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DIFFERENTIAL BALANCE SHEET by segment and system

S 7 - L’utilisation de divers outils thérapeutiques :  Kine tape et Ventouse

S 14 – Physiologie et anatomie du corps humain MTA


S 8 - Introduction aux divers concepts Médecine chinoise traditionnelle

S 9- Compréhension et application des divers concepts et principes de traitement en médecine chinoise 

S 10- L’utilisation de divers outils thérapeutiques :  Massage (Tui Na) et Drainage lymphatique

S 11- La constellation familiale selon divers concepts ( en groupe) 

S 12- Étiomédecine/ Étiothérapie : technique d’accompagnement/ bilan différentiel énergétique d’après

Dr Brinette

S 13- Mise en place de pratique clinique et application

Après participation à un séminaire, si le participant souhaite refaire le séminaire. Le participant doit faire par écrit une demande pour mettre en place les modalités de participation et connaitre le coût de répétition.

Archetypal embryology
Meridian paths

Differential assessment: Semantic recall  

  • Initial training to acquire the basic concepts essential to understanding the implementation of differential balance sheets.

    • the manual therapy approach

    • the approach of Chinese medicine - TCM

    • the etiomedicine approach - support technique - etiotherapy

  • Subsequently, training will be carried out on different parts of the body and system as well as concepts (TCM, Osteopathy and Etiomedicine).

Target audience

Any professional wishing to specialize in differential assessment

Holders of training in health or movement science,

holders of additional or alternative training in health and care.


Training objective

Understand the different assessment tools to exclude emergencies

Develop, using clinical cases, demonstrations, test interpretations and practical scenarios of the following topics


This training is intended to be interactive and as practical as possible; discussion spaces are provided.


Training site

Vevey 1800, Switzerland


3 days of continuing education

- The dates will be indicated on the news-event and registration website


the dates will be indicated on news-event site

and registration possible​


9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Saturday to Monday


from Friday to Sunday

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